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Mv IV 20
PTS: Mv IV 14 | CS: vin.mv.04.20
'Line by Line'
Enumeration of Excluded Individuals
Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu
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139. vajjanīyapuggalasandassanā (Mv.IV.14.1)
Enumeration of Excluded Individuals [Mv.II.36.1]

[243] na bhikkhave bhikkhuniyā nisinnaparisāya pavāretabbaṁ yo pavāreyya āpatti dukkaṭassa.

“Monks, you should not invite with a bhikkhunī seated in the assembly. Whoever should invite: an offense of wrong doing.

na bhikkhave sikkhamānāya na sāmaṇerassa na sāmaṇeriyā na sikkhaṁ paccakkhātakassa na antimavatthuṁ ajjhāpannakassa nisinnaparisāya pavāretabbaṁ yo pavāreyya āpatti dukkaṭassa.

“Monks, you should not invite with a female probationer … a novice … a female novice … one who has renounced the training … one who has committed an extreme (pārājika) offense seated in the assembly. Whoever should invite: an offense of wrong doing.

(Mv.IV.14.2) na bhikkhave āpattiyā adassane ukkhittakassa nisinnaparisāya pavāretabbaṁ yo pavāreyya yathādhammo kāretabbo.

“You should not invite with one who has been suspended for not seeing an offense seated in the assembly. Whoever should invite is to be dealt with in accordance with the rule (Pc 69).

na āpattiyā appaṭikamme ukkhittakassa na pāpikāya diṭṭhiyā appaṭinissagge ukkhittakassa nisinnaparisāya pavāretabbaṁ yo pavāreyya yathādhammo kāretabbo.

“You should not invite with one who has been suspended for not making amends for an offense … one who has been suspended for not relinquishing an evil view seated in the assembly. Whoever should invite is to be dealt with in accordance with the rule (Pc 69).

(Mv.IV.14.3) na paṇḍakassa nisinnaparisāya pavāretabbaṁ yo pavāreyya āpatti dukkaṭassa.

“You should not invite with a paṇḍaka seated in the assembly. Whoever should invite: an offense of wrong doing.

na theyyasaṁvāsakassa na titthiyapakkantakassa na tiracchānagatassa na mātughātakassa na pitughātakassa na arahantaghātakassa na bhikkhunīdūsakassa na saṅghabhedakassa na lohituppādakassa na ubhatobyañjanakassa nisinnaparisāya pavāretabbaṁ yo pavāreyya āpatti dukkaṭassa.

“You should not invite with a person in affiliation through theft … a monk who has gone over to another religion an animal … a matricide … a patricide … a murderer of an arahant … a molester of a bhikkhunī … a schismatic … one who has shed (a Tathāgata’s) blood … a hermaphrodite seated in the assembly. Whoever should invite: an offense of wrong doing.

(Mv.IV.14.4) na bhikkhave pārivāsikapavāraṇādānena pavāretabbaṁ aññatra avuṭṭhitāya parisāya.

“You should not invite with a stale giving of the invitation unless the assembly has not gotten up from its seats. [BMC]

na ca bhikkhave appavāraṇāya pavāretabbaṁ aññatra saṅghasāmaggiyāti.

“And, monks, you should not invite on a non-Invitation day unless for Saṅgha-unification.” [BMC]

dutiyabhāṇavāraṁ niṭṭhitaṁ.

The second recitation section is finished.

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