[8] tena kho pana samayena bhagavā ajjhokāse anupāhano caṅkamati. |
Now on that occasion the Blessed One was doing walking meditation without wearing leather footwear out in the open. |
satthā anupāhano caṅkamatīti therā bhikkhū anupāhanā caṅkamanti. |
(Thinking,) “The Teacher is doing walking meditation without wearing leather footwear,” the senior monks did walking meditation without wearing leather footwear. |
chabbaggiyā bhikkhū satthari anupāhane caṅkamamāne theresupi bhikkhūsu anupāhanesu caṅkamamānesu saupāhanā caṅkamanti. |
The Group-of-six monks — as the Teacher was doing walking meditation without wearing leather footwear and the senior monks were also doing walking meditation without wearing leather footwear — did walking meditation wearing leather footwear. |
ye te bhikkhū appicchā .pe. te ujjhāyanti khīyanti vipācenti |
Those monks who were modest … criticized and complained and spread it about: |
kathaṁ hi nāma chabbaggiyā bhikkhū satthari anupāhane caṅkamamāne theresupi bhikkhūsu anupāhanesu caṅkamamānesu saupāhanā caṅkamissantīti. |
“How can the Group-of-six monks — as the Teacher is doing walking meditation without wearing leather footwear, and the senior monks are also doing walking meditation without wearing leather footwear — do walking meditation wearing leather footwear?” |
(Mv.V.4.2) athakho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ. |
Then the monks reported the matter to the Blessed One. |
saccaṁ kira bhikkhave chabbaggiyā bhikkhū satthari anupāhane caṅkamamāne theresupi bhikkhūsu anupāhanesu caṅkamamānesu saupāhanā caṅkamantīti. |
“Is it true, monks, as they say, that the Group-of-six monks — as the Teacher is doing walking meditation without wearing leather footwear, and the senior monks are also doing walking meditation without wearing leather footwear — do walking meditation wearing leather footwear?” |
saccaṁ bhagavāti. |
“It’s true, O Blessed One.” |
vigarahi buddho bhagavā kathaṁ hi nāma te bhikkhave moghapurisā satthari anupāhane caṅkamamāne theresupi bhikkhūsu anupāhanesu caṅkamamānesu saupāhanā caṅkamissanti |
The Buddha, the Blessed One, rebuked them, “Monks, how can these worthless men — as the Teacher is doing walking meditation without wearing leather footwear, and the senior monks are also doing walking meditation without wearing leather footwear — do walking meditation wearing leather footwear? |
ime hi nāma bhikkhave gihino odātavasanā abhijīvanikassa sippassa kāraṇā ācariyesu sagāravā sappatissā sabhāgavuttikā viharissanti |
“Even those householders, clad in white — on account of the skill by which they make a living — dwell with respect, deference, and courtesy for their teachers. |
(Mv.V.4.3) idha kho taṁ bhikkhave sobhetha yaṁ tumhe evaṁ svākkhāte dhammavinaye pabbajitā samānā ācariyesu ācariyamattesu upajjhāyesu upajjhāyamattesu sagāravā sappatissā sabhāgavuttikā vihareyyātha |
“So now let your light shine forth, so that you — who have gone forth in such a well-taught Dhamma & Discipline — will dwell with respect, deference, and courtesy for your teachers and those with a teacher’s seniority, and for your preceptors and those with a preceptor’s seniority. |
ācariyesūtiādimhi pabbajjācariyo, upasampadācariyo, nissayācāriyo, uddesācariyoti ime cattāropi idha ācariyā eva. avassikassa chabbasso ācariyamatto. so hi catuvassakāle taṃ nissāya vacchati; evaṃ ekavassassa sattavasso, duvassassa aṭṭhavasso, tivassassa navavasso, catuvassassa dasavasso. imepi ācariyamattā eva. upajjhāyassa sandiṭṭhasambhattā pana sahāyabhikkhū, ye vā pana keci dasahi vassehi mahantatarā te sabbepi upajjhāyamattā nāma. |
In reference to “For your teachers” etc., “Going-forth teacher, Acceptance teacher, Dependence teacher, Reciting teacher”: These four are also teachers here. For one who has not completed a Rains, one with six rains has the seniority of a teacher. Likewise, for one with one Rains, one with seven Rains; for one with two Rains, one with eight Rains; for one with three Rains, one with nine Rains; for one with four Rains, one with ten Rains. These also have the seniority of a teacher. And close friends of one’s preceptor, his monastic companions, or anyone who is senior to one by ten Rains: All of these are called those with a preceptor’s seniority. |
netaṁ bhikkhave appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya .pe. |
“Monks, this neither inspires faith in the faithless …” |
vigarahitvā dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi |
Having rebuked him and given a Dhamma talk, he addressed the monks: |
na bhikkhave ācariyesu ācariyamattesu upajjhāyesu upajjhāyamattesu anupāhanesu caṅkamamānesu saupāhanena caṅkamitabbaṁ yo caṅkameyya āpatti dukkaṭassa |
“Monks, when one’s teacher, one with a teacher’s seniority, one’s preceptor, (or) one with a preceptor’s seniority is doing walking meditation without wearing leather footwear, one should not do walking meditation wearing leather footwear. Whoever should wear it: an offense of wrong doing. |
na bhikkhave ajjhārāme upāhanā dhāretabbā yo dhāreyya āpatti dukkaṭassāti. |
“And one should not wear leather footwear in a monastery. Whoever should wear it: an offense of wrong doing.” |
(Mv.V.5.1) [9] tena kho pana samayena aññatarassa bhikkhuno pādakhīlābādho hoti. |
Now at that time a certain monk was afflicted with corns. |
bhikkhū taṁ bhikkhuṁ pariggahetvā uccāraṁpi passāvaṁpi nikkhāmenti. |
The monks, supporting him, took him out to urinate and defecate. |
addasā kho bhagavā senāsanacārikaṁ āhiṇḍanto te bhikkhū taṁ bhikkhuṁ pariggahetvā uccāraṁpi passāvaṁpi nikkhāmente disvāna yena te bhikkhū tenupasaṅkami upasaṅkamitvā te bhikkhū etadavoca kiṁ imassa bhikkhave bhikkhuno ābādhoti. |
Then the Blessed One, wandering on a tour of the lodgings, saw the monks, supporting the monk, taking him out to urinate and defecate. On seeing them, he went to the monks and, on arrival, said to them, “Monks, what disease does this monk have?” |
(Mv.V.5.2) imassa bhante āyasmato pādakhīlābādho imaṁ mayaṁ pariggahetvā uccāraṁpi passāvaṁpi nikkhāmemāti. |
“Lord, this venerable one is afflicted with corns. Supporting him, we are taking him out to urinate and defecate.” |
[10] athakho bhagavā etasmiṁ nidāne etasmiṁ pakaraṇe dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi |
Then the Blessed One, having given a Dhamma talk with regard to this cause, to this incident, addressed the monks: |
anujānāmi bhikkhave yassa pādā vā dukkhā pādā vā phālitā pādakhīlābādho vā upāhanaṁ dhāretunti. |
“Monks, I allow one whose feet are painful or one whose feet are split or one who is afflicted with corns to wear leather footwear.” |
(Mv.V.6.1) tena kho pana samayena bhikkhū adhotehi pādehi mañcaṁpi pīṭhaṁpi abhirūhanti cīvarampi senāsanampi dussati. |
Now at that time the monks would get up on beds and benches with unwashed feet. The cloth[1] and the lodgings got dirty. |
bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ. |
They reported the matter to the Blessed One. |
anujānāmi bhikkhave idāni mañcaṁ vā pīṭhaṁ vā abhirūhissāmīti upāhanaṁ dhāretunti. |
“I allow you, when thinking, ‘I will now get up on a bed or a bench[2],’ to wear leather footwear.” |
(Mv.V.6.2) tena kho pana samayena bhikkhū rattiyā uposathaggaṁpi sannisajjaṁpi gacchantā andhakāre khāṇuṁpi kaṇṭakaṁpi akkamanti pādā dukkhā honti. |
Now at that time the monks, when going to the Uposatha building or the meeting place at night, would walk into a stump or step on a splinter in the darkness. Their feet were in pain. |
bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ. |
They reported the matter to the Blessed One. |
anujānāmi bhikkhave ajjhārāme upāhanaṁ dhāretuṁ ukkaṁ padīpaṁ kattaradaṇḍanti. |
“I allow you to wear leather footwear in a monastery, and (I allow) a torch, a lamp, and a walking stick.” [BMC] |