[24] rājā ca māgadho soṇo asītisahassissaro sāgato gijjhakūṭasmiṁ bahuṁ dassesi uttariṁ. |
The King of Magadha, Soṇa, the leader of 80,000 Sāgata, on Vulture Peak, displayed many marvels. |
pabbajjāraddhabhijjiṁsu vīṇaṁ ekapalāsikaṁ nīlā pītā lohitikā mañjeṭṭhā kaṇhameva ca. |
Acceptance, exerting, they split, a vīṇa, single-soled, blue/green, yellow, blood-red, crimson, and black. |
mahāraṅga mahānāmā vaddhikā ca paṭikkhipi khallakā pūṭapālī ca tūlatittirameṇḍajā. |
Orange and beige, and with straps: He prohibited them. Heel-coverings, boots, and shoes. cotton, partridge, rams, and goats. |
vicchikā moracitrañca sīhabyagghā ca dīpikā ajinuddā majjārī ca kāḷolūkaparikkhaṭā. |
Scorpion, peacock, decorated, lion, tiger, and leopard, black antelope, otter, and cat, squirrel and flying fox — they were embellished. |
phālitupāhanā khīlā dhotakhāṇukhaṭakhaṭā tālaveḷutiṇañceva muñjapabbajahintalā. |
Split, leather footwear, and corns, (un-)washed, stumps, clacking, palmyra, bamboo, and also grass: muñja, reeds, and marshy date-palm. |
kamalakambalasovaṇṇā rūpikā maṇi veḷurī phalikā kaṁsakācā ca tipusīsañca tambakā. |
Kamala grass, wool, and gold, silver, gems, lapis lazuli, crystal, bronze, and glass, tin, lead, and copper. |
gāvī yānaṁ gilāno ca purisayuttasīvikā sayanāni mahācammā gocammehi ca pāpako. |
A cow, a vehicle, and a sick (monk), yoked by a man [with a bull], a sedan chair, furnishings for reclining, large skins, with cow-hide, the evil (monk). |
gihīnaṁ cammavaddhehi pavisanti gilāyano |
Householders’ (furnishings), with leather straps, they entered, the sick one. |
mahākaccāyano soṇo sarenaṭṭhakavaggikaṁ. upasampadaṁ pañcahi gaṇā [ME: guṇaṅguṇā] dhuvasināyanā |
Mahā Kaccāna, Soṇa, the Aṭṭhaka Vagga, chanted, Acceptance with the fifth, multi-soled, regular bathing. |
sammattharaṇānuññāsi [ME: cammattharaṇānuññāsi] na tāva gaṇanūpagaṁ adāsīme vare pañca soṇattherassa nāyakoti. |
He allowed hide-coverings, no counting of the time-span until. The leader granted these five requests to the Elder Soṇa. |