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Mv IX 05
PTS: Mv IX 4.6 | CS: vin.mv.09.05
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The Discussion of One on Probation, etc.
Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu
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238. pārivāsikādikathā (Mv.IX.4.6)
The Discussion of One on Probation, etc. [BMC]

[192] pārivāsikacatuttho ce bhikkhave parivāsaṁ dadeyya mūlāya paṭikasseyya mānattaṁ dadeyya taṁvīso abbheyya akammaṁ na ca karaṇīyaṁ.

“Monks, if (a Saṅgha with) one on probation as the fourth should grant probation, send back to the beginning, or grant penance; if (a Saṅgha with him) as the twentieth should rehabilitate, it is not a transaction and is not to be done.

mūlāya paṭikassanārahacatuttho ce bhikkhave parivāsaṁ dadeyya mūlāya paṭikasseyya mānattaṁ dadeyya taṁvīso abbheyya akammaṁ na ca karaṇīyaṁ.

“Monks, if (a Saṅgha with) one deserving to be sent back to the beginning as the fourth should grant probation, send back to the beginning, or grant penance; if (a Saṅgha with him) as the twentieth should rehabilitate, it is not a transaction and is not to be done.

mānattārahacatuttho ce bhikkhave parivāsaṁ dadeyya mūlāya paṭikasseyya mānattaṁ dadeyya taṁvīso abbheyya akammaṁ na ca karaṇīyaṁ.

“Monks, if (a Saṅgha with) one deserving penance as the fourth should grant probation, send back to the beginning, or grant penance; if (a Saṅgha with him) as the twentieth should rehabilitate, it is not a transaction and is not to be done.

mānattacārikacatuttho ce bhikkhave parivāsaṁ dadeyya mūlāya paṭikasseyya mānattaṁ dadeyya taṁvīso abbheyya akammaṁ na ca karaṇīyaṁ.

“Monks, if (a Saṅgha with) one observing penance as the fourth should grant probation, send back to the beginning, or grant penance; if (a Saṅgha with him) as the twentieth should rehabilitate, it is not a transaction and is not to be done.

abbhānārahacatuttho ce bhikkhave parivāsaṁ dadeyya mūlāya paṭikasseyya mānattaṁ dadeyya taṁvīso abbheyya akammaṁ na ca karaṇīyaṁ.

“Monks, if (a Saṅgha with) one deserving rehabilitation as the fourth should grant probation, send back to the beginning, or grant penance; if (a Saṅgha with him) as the twentieth should rehabilitate, it is not a transaction and is not to be done.

(Mv.IX.4.7) [193] ekaccassa bhikkhave saṅghamajjhe paṭikkosanā rūhati ekaccassa na rūhati.

“Monks, the protest of some in the midst of the Saṅgha carries weight, while that of others does not carry weight.

kassa ca bhikkhave saṅghamajjhe paṭikkosanā na rūhati.

“And whose protest in the midst of the Saṅgha does not carry weight?

bhikkhuniyā bhikkhave saṅghamajjhe paṭikkosanā na rūhati.

“The protest of a bhikkhunī in the midst of the Saṅgha does not carry weight.

sikkhamānāya bhikkhave .pe.

“a female trainee …

sāmaṇerassa bhikkhave sāmaṇeriyā bhikkhave sikkhaṁ paccakkhātakassa bhikkhave antimavatthuṁ ajjhāpannakassa bhikkhave ummattakassa bhikkhave khittacittassa bhikkhave vedanaṭṭassa bhikkhave āpattiyā adassane ukkhittakassa bhikkhave āpattiyā appaṭikamme ukkhittakassa bhikkhave pāpikāya diṭṭhiyā appaṭinissagge ukkhittakassa bhikkhave paṇḍakassa bhikkhave theyyasaṁvāsakassa bhikkhave titthiyapakkantakassa bhikkhave tiracchānagatassa bhikkhave mātughātakassa bhikkhave pitughātakassa bhikkhave arahantaghātakassa bhikkhave bhikkhunīdūsakassa bhikkhave saṅghabhedakassa bhikkhave lohituppādakassa bhikkhave ubhatobyañjanakassa bhikkhave nānāsaṁvāsakassa bhikkhave nānāsīmāya ṭhitassa bhikkhave iddhiyā vehāse ṭhitassa bhikkhave yassa saṅgho kammaṁ karoti tassa bhikkhave saṅghamajjhe paṭikkosanā na rūhati.

“a novice … a female novice … a renouncer of the training … one who has committed an extreme (pārājika) offense … one who is insane … one possessed … one delirious with pain … one who is suspended for not seeing an offense … one who is suspended for not making amends for an offense … one who is suspended for not relinquishing an evil view … a paṇḍaka … a person in affiliation through theft … a monk who has gone over (while a monk) to another religion … an animal … a matricide … a patricide … a murderer of an arahant … a molester of a bhikkhunī … a schismatic … a shedder of (a Tathāgata’s) blood … a hermaphrodite … a monk of a separate affiliation [BMC: 1 2] … one standing in a different territory … one standing (levitating) in the sky through psychic power … the one concerning whom the Saṅgha is doing the action, in the midst of the Saṅgha, does not carry weight.

imesaṁ kho bhikkhave saṅghamajjhe paṭikkosanā na rūhati.

“Monks the protest of these in the midst of the Saṅgha does not carry weight[1].

(Mv.IX.4.8) kassa ca bhikkhave saṅghamajjhe paṭikkosanā rūhati.

“And whose protest in the midst of the Saṅgha does carry weight?

bhikkhussa bhikkhave pakatattassa samānasaṁvāsakassa samānasīmāya ṭhitassa antamaso anantarikassāpi bhikkhuno viññāpentassa saṅghamajjhe paṭikkosanā rūhati.

“The protest of a regular monk in the midst of the Saṅgha carries weight if he is of the same affiliation and is staying within the same territory, even if he just informs the monk right next to him. [BMC]

imassa kho bhikkhave saṅghamajjhe paṭikkosanā rūhati.

“Monks the protest of these in the midst of the Saṅgha does carry weight. [BMC]


This passage shows that aside from the Uposatha and the Invitation, the mere presence of these individuals or of any other non-ordained person does not invalidate the transaction. [BMC]
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