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Mv I 25
PTS: Mv I 38 | CS: vin.mv.01.25
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The Discussion of Those Previously a Member of Another Religion
Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu
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25. aññatitthiyapubbakathā (Mv.I.38.1)
The Discussion of Those Previously a Member of Another Religion [BMC]

[100] tena kho pana samayena yo so aññatitthiyapubbo upajjhāyena sahadhammikaṁ vuccamāno upajjhāyassa vādaṁ āropetvā taṁyeva titthāyatanaṁ saṅkami.

Now at that time a (monk) who was previously a member of another religion, being reprimanded by his preceptor in accordance with a rule, repudiated his preceptor’s reprimand and went over to the fold of that very religion.

so puna paccāgantvā bhikkhū upasampadaṁ yāci.

Coming back again, he requested Acceptance from the monks.

bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ.

They reported the matter to the Blessed One.

yo so bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo upajjhāyena sahadhammikaṁ vuccamāno upajjhāyassa vādaṁ āropetvā taṁyeva titthāyatanaṁ saṅkanto so āgato na upasampādetabbo.

“Monks, one who was previously a member of another religion and who, when reprimanded by his preceptor in accordance with a rule, repudiates his preceptor’s reprimand and goes over to the fold of that very religion, on returning should not be given Acceptance.

yo bhikkhave aññopi aññatitthiyapubbo imasmiṁ dhammavinaye ākaṅkhati pabbajjaṁ ākaṅkhati upasampadaṁ tassa cattāro māse parivāso dātabbo.

“But whoever else was previously a member of another religion and desires the Going-forth, desires Acceptance in this Dhamma-Vinaya, is to be given probation for four months.”

(Mv.I.38.2) evañca pana bhikkhave dātabbo.

“Monks, it should be given like this:

paṭhamaṁ kesamassuṁ ohārāpetvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādāpetvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ kārāpetvā bhikkhūnaṁ pāde Vandāpetvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīdāpetvā añjaliṁ paggaṇhāpetvā evaṁ vadehīti vattabbo

“First — having gotten him to shave his head & beard, to clothe himself in ochre robes, to arrange his robe over one shoulder, to bow down at the feet of the monks, to sit in the kneeling position, and to raise his hands palm-to-palm in front of the heart — he should be told, ‘Say this:

buddhaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi dhammaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi saṅghaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi dutiyampi buddhaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi dutiyampi dhammaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi dutiyampi saṅghaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi tatiyampi buddhaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi tatiyampi dhammaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi tatiyampi saṅghaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmīti.

“‘“I go to the Buddha for refuge. I go to the Dhamma for refuge. I go to the Saṅgha for refuge. A second time, I go to the Buddha for refuge. A second time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge. A second time, I go to the Saṅgha for refuge. A third time, I go to the Buddha for refuge. A third time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge. A third time, I go to the Saṅgha for refuge.”’

(Mv.I.38.3) Tena bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbena saṅghaṁ upasaṅkamitvā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā bhikkhūnaṁ pāde vanditvā ukkuṭikaṁ nisīditvā añjaliṁ paggahetvā evamassa vacanīyo

“The previous member of another religion should go to the Saṅgha, arrange his robe over one shoulder, bow down at the feet of the monks, sit in the kneeling position, raise his hands palm-to-palm in front of the heart, and say,

ahaṁ bhante itthannāmo aññatitthiyapubbo imasmiṁ dhammavinaye ākaṅkhāmi upasampadaṁ

“‘Venerable sirs, I, named So-and-so, previously a member of another religion, desire Acceptance in this Dhamma-vinaya.

sohaṁ bhante saṅghaṁ cattāro māse parivāsaṁ yācāmīti.

“‘I request the Saṅgha for probation for four months.’

Dutiyampi yācitabbo tatiyampi yācitabbo.

“He should request a second time. He should request a third time.

byattena bhikkhunā paṭibalena saṅgho ñāpetabbo

“An experienced and competent monk should inform the Saṅgha:

suṇātu me bhante saṅgho ayaṁ itthannāmo aññatitthiyapubbo imasmiṁ dhammavinaye ākaṅkhati upasampadaṁ

“‘Venerable sirs, may the Saṅgha listen to me. This So-and-so, previously a member of another religion, desires Acceptance in this Dhamma-vinaya.

so saṅghaṁ cattāro māse parivāsaṁ yācati.

“‘He requests the Saṅgha for probation for four months.

yadi saṅghassa pattakallaṁ saṅgho itthannāmassa aññatitthiyapubbassa cattāro māse parivāsaṁ dadeyya.

“‘If the Saṅgha is ready, it should grant So-and-so, previously a member of another religion, probation for four months.

esā ñatti.

“‘This is the motion.

(Mv.I.38.4) Suṇātu me bhante saṅgho ayaṁ itthannāmo aññatitthiyapubbo imasmiṁ dhammavinaye ākaṅkhati upasampadaṁ.

“‘Venerable sirs, may the Saṅgha listen to me. This So-and-so, previously a member of another religion, desires Acceptance in this Dhamma-vinaya.

so saṅghaṁ cattāro māse parivāsaṁ yācati.

“‘He requests the Saṅgha for probation for four months.

Saṅgho itthannāmassa aññatitthiyapubbassa cattāro māse parivāsaṁ deti.

“‘The Saṅgha is granting So-and-so, previously a member of another religion, probation for four months.

yassāyasmato khamati itthannāmassa aññatitthiyapubbassa cattāro māse parivāsassa dānaṁ so tuṇhassa yassa nakkhamati so bhāseyya.

“‘He to whom the granting of probation of four months to So-and-so, previously a member of another religion, is agreeable should remain silent. He to whom it is not agreeable should speak.

dinno saṅghena itthannāmassa aññatitthiyapubbassa cattāro māse parivāso.

“‘Probation for four months has been granted by the Saṅgha to So-and-so, previously a member of another religion.

khamati saṅghassa tasmā tuṇhī.

“‘This is agreeable to the Saṅgha, therefore it is silent.

evametaṁ dhārayāmīti.

“‘Thus do I hold it.’

(Mv.I.38.5) evaṁ kho bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo ārādhako hoti.

“Monks, this is how one who was previously a member of another religion wins approval;

evaṁ anārādhako.

“this is how he doesn’t win approval:

kathañca bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo anārādhako hoti.

“And how does one who was previously a member of another religion not win approval?

Idha bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo atikālena gāmaṁ pavisati atidivā paṭikkamati.

“There is the case where one who was previously a member of another religion enters the village too early, returns too late in the day.

evaṁpi bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo anārādhako hoti.

“This, too, is how one who was previously a member of another religion does not win approval.

puna caparaṁ bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo vesiyagocaro vā hoti vidhavagocaro vā hoti thullakumārikagocaro vā hoti paṇḍakagocaro vā hoti bhikkhunīgocaro vā hoti.

“Then again one who was previously a member of another religion associates with a prostitute, associates with a widow/divorced woman, associates with a ‘fat princess’ [old maid], associates with a paṇḍaka, associates with a bhikkhunī.

thullakumārikāti yobbannappattā yobbannātītā vā kumāriyo; tā purisādhippāyāva vicaranti, yena kenaci saddhiṁ mittabhāvaṁ patthenti.

“Fat princesses”: Girls who have reached youth or passed it. They go around looking for men; they desire friendship with any (man) whatsoever.

evaṁpi bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo anārādhako hoti.

“This, too, is how one who was previously a member of another religion does not win approval.

(Mv.I.38.6) puna caparaṁ bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo yāni tāni sabrahmacārīnaṁ uccāvacāni kiṁkaraṇīyāni tattha na dakkho hoti na analaso na tatrupāyāya vīmaṁsāya samannāgato na alaṁ kātuṁ na alaṁ saṁvidhātuṁ.

“Then again one who was previously a member of another religion is not adept at the major and minor affairs involving his fellows in the holy life, is not dexterous, not diligent, not quick-witted in the techniques involved in them, is not able/willing to do them or arrange that they be done.

evaṁ bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo anārādhako hoti.

“This, too, is how one who was previously a member of another religion does not win approval.

puna caparaṁ bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo na tibbacchando hoti uddese paripucchāya adhisīle adhicitte adhipaññāya.

“Then again one who was previously a member of another religion does not have a keen desire for recitation, interrogation, heightened virtue, heightened mind, heightened discernment.

evaṁpi bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo anārādhako hoti.

“This, too, is how one who was previously a member of another religion does not win approval.

(Mv.I.38.7) puna caparaṁ bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo yassa titthāyatanā saṅkanto hoti tassa satthuno tassa diṭṭhiyā tassa khantiyā tassa ruciyā tassa ādāyassa avaṇṇe bhaññamāne kupito hoti anattamano anabhiraddho

“Then again one who was previously a member of another religion feels angered, displeased, and upset if dispraise is spoken of the teacher, the view, the persuasion, the preferences, the belief of the religion from which he has come over.

buddhassa vā dhammassa vā saṅghassa vā avaṇṇe bhaññamāne attamano hoti udaggo abhiraddho

“He feels gratified, pleased, and elated if dispraise is spoken of the Buddha, Dhamma, or Saṅgha.

yassa vā pana titthāyatanā saṅkanto hoti tassa satthuno tassa diṭṭhiyā tassa khantiyā tassa ruciyā tassa ādāyassa vaṇṇe bhaññamāne attamano hoti udaggo abhiraddho

“He feels gratified, pleased, and elated if praise is spoken of the teacher, the view, the persuasion, the preferences, the belief of the religion from which he has come over.

buddhassa vā dhammassa vā saṅghassa vā vaṇṇe bhaññamāne kupito hoti anattamano anabhiraddho.

“He feels angered, displeased, and upset if praise is spoken of the Buddha, Dhamma, or Saṅgha.

idaṁ bhikkhave saṅghātanikaṁ aññatitthiyapubbassa anārādhanīyasmiṁ.

“Monks, this is the tell-tale sign of one previously of another religion in regard to not winning approval.

idaṁ bhikkhave saṅghātanikaṁ aññatitthiyapubbassa anārādhanīyasminti bhikkhave yamidaṁ tassa satthuno tasseva ca laddhiyā avaṇṇe bhaññamāne “kiṁ ime paraṁ garahantī”ti kāyavacīvikāranibbattakaṁ anattamanattaṁ, buddhādīnañca avaṇṇe bhaññamāne attamanattaṁ, yañca tasseva satthuno tasseva ca laddhiyā vaṇṇe bhaññamāne attamanattaṁ, buddhādīnañca vaṇṇabhaṇane anattamanattaṁ, idaṁ aññatitthiyapubbassa anārādhanīyasmiṁ saṅghātanikaṁ, anārādhake parivāsavattaṁ apūrake kamme idaṁ liṅgaṁ, idaṁ lakkhaṇaṁ, idamacalappamāṇanti vuttaṁ hoti.

“Monks, this is the tell-tale sign of one previously of another religion in regard to not winning approval.” It is said: “Monks, when dispraise is being spoken of his teacher or ideology, whatever displeasure, manifesting as a change in his body or speech, gratification when dispraise is being spoken of the Buddha, etc., gratification when praise is being spoken of his own teacher or ideology, or displeasure when praise is being spoken of the Buddha, etc.: This is the tell-tale sign of one previously of another religion in regard to not winning approval. This is the sign, the characteristic, and the immutable standard in regard to not winning approval, not fulfilling the performance of the duties of probation.

evaṁ kho bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo anārādhako hoti.

“Monks, this is how one who was previously a member of another religion does not win approval.

evaṁ anārādhako kho bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo āgato na upasampādetabbo.

“When one previously a member of another religion who is displeasing in this way comes, he should not be given Acceptance.

(Mv.I.38.8) Kathañca bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo ārādhako hoti.

“And how does one who was previously a member of another religion win approval?

Idha bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo nātikālena gāmaṁ pavisati nātidivā paṭikkamati.

“There is the case where one who was previously a member of another religion enters the village not too early, returns not too late in the day.

evaṁpi bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo ārādhako hoti.

“This, too, is how one who was previously a member of another religion wins approval.

puna caparaṁ bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo na vesiyagocaro hoti na vidhavagocaro hoti na thullakumārikagocaro hoti na paṇḍakagocaro hoti na bhikkhunīgocaro hoti.

“Then again one who was previously a member of another religion does not associate with a prostitute, does not associate with a widow/divorced woman, does not associate with a ‘fat princess’ [old maid], does not associate with a paṇḍaka, does not associate with a bhikkhunī.

evaṁpi bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo ārādhako hoti.

“This, too, is how one who was previously a member of another religion wins approval.

(Mv.I.38.9) puna caparaṁ bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo yāni tāni sabrahmacārīnaṁ uccāvacāni kiṁkaraṇīyāni tattha dakkho hoti analaso tatrupāyāya vīmaṁsāya samannāgato alaṁ kātuṁ alaṁ saṁvidhātuṁ.

“Then again one who was previously a member of another religion is adept at the various affairs involving his fellows in the holy life, is dexterous, diligent, quick-witted in the techniques involved in them, is able/willing to do them or arrange that they be done.

evaṁpi bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo ārādhako hoti.

“This, too, is how one who was previously a member of another religion wins approval.

puna caparaṁ Bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo tibbacchando hoti uddese paripucchāya adhisīle adhicitte adhipaññāya.

“Then again one who was previously a member of another religion has a keen desire for recitation, interrogation, heightened virtue, heightened mind, heightened discernment.

evaṁpi bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo ārādhako hoti.

“This, too, is how one who was previously a member of another religion wins approval.

(Mv.I.38.10) puna caparaṁ bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo yassa titthāyatanā saṅkanto hoti tassa satthuno tassa diṭṭhiyā tassa khantiyā tassa ruciyā tassa ādāyassa avaṇṇe bhaññamāne attamano hoti udaggo abhiraddho

“Then again one who was previously a member of another religion feels gratified, pleased, and elated if dispraise is spoken of the teacher, the view, the persuasion, the preferences, the belief of the religion from which he has come over.

buddhassa vā dhammassa vā saṅghassa vā avaṇṇe bhaññamāne kupito hoti anattamano anabhiraddho

“He feels angered, displeased, and upset if dispraise is spoken of the Buddha, Dhamma, or Saṅgha.

yassa vā pana titthāyatanā saṅkanto hoti tassa satthuno tassa diṭṭhiyā tassa khantiyā tassa ruciyā tassa ādāyassa vaṇṇe bhaññamāne kupito hoti anattamano anabhiraddho

“He feels angered, displeased, and upset if praise is spoken of the teacher, the view, the persuasion, the preferences, the belief of the religion from which he has come over.

buddhassa vā dhammassa vā saṅghassa vā vaṇṇe bhaññamāne attamano hoti udaggo abhiraddho.

“He feels gratified, pleased, and elated if praise is spoken of the Buddha, Dhamma, or Saṅgha.

idaṁ bhikkhave saṅghātanikaṁ aññatitthiyapubbassa ārādhanīyasmiṁ.

“Monks, this is the tell-tale sign of one previously of another religion in regard to winning approval.

evaṁ kho bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo ārādhako hoti.

“Monks, this is how one who was previously a member of another religion wins approval.

evaṁ ārādhako kho bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo āgato upasampādetabbo.

“When one previously a member of another religion who wins approval in this way comes, he may be given Acceptance.

(Mv.I.38.11) sace bhikkhave aññatitthiyapubbo naggo āgacchati upajjhāyamūlakaṁ cīvaraṁ pariyesitabbaṁ

“If one who was previously a member of another religion comes naked, they should search for a robe out of the preceptor’s funds.

upajjhāyamūlakaṃ cīvaraṃ pariyesitabbanti upajjhāyaṃ issaraṃ katvā tassa cīvaraṃ pariyesitabbaṃ. pattampi tatheva. tasmā yadi upajjhāyassa pattacīvaraṃ atthi, “imassa dehī”ti vattabbo. atha natthi, aññe dātukāmā honti, tehipi upajjhāyasseva dātabbaṃ “idaṃ tumhākaṃ katvā imassa dethā”ti. kasmā? titthiyā nāma vilomā honti “saṅghena me pattacīvaraṃ dinnaṃ, kiṃ mayhaṃ tumhesu āyattan”ti vatvā ovādānusāsaniṃ na kareyyuṃ, upajjhāyena pana āyattajīvikattā tassa vacanakaro bhavissati. tenassa “upajjhāyamūlakaṃ cīvaraṃ pariyesitabban”ti vuttaṃ.

“They should search for a robe out of the preceptor’s funds.” Putting the preceptor in charge, they should search for a robe for him. And likewise with the bowl. So if the preceptor has a bowl and robes, he should be told, “Give them to him.” But if he doesn’t have them, and someone else wants to give them, he should give them to the preceptor, (saying,) “Make these yours and then give them to him.” Why? Sectarians are generally obstreperous. Saying, “The Saṅgha gave me my bowl and robes. Why should I be dependent on you?” he wouldn’t do as taught and admonished. But if his livelihood lies with the preceptor, he will do what he is told. So it is said, “They should search for a robe out of the preceptor’s funds.”

sace acchinnakeso āgacchati saṅgho apaloketabbo bhaṇḍukammāya.

“If he comes without the hair of his head cut off, the Saṅgha should be informed for the sake of shaving it.

Ye te bhikkhave aggikā jaṭilakā te āgatā upasampādetabbā na tesaṁ parivāso dātabbo.

“If fire-worshipping and coiled-hair ascetics come, they may be given Acceptance. They should not be given probation.

taṁ kissa hetu.

“Why is that?

Kammavādino ete bhikkhave kiriyavādino.

“They espouse a doctrine of kamma, they follow a doctrine of action.

sace bhikkhave jātiyā sākiyo aññatitthiyapubbako āgacchati so āgato upasampādetabbo na tassa parivāso dātabbo.

“If one who was previously a member of another religion who is a Sakyan by birth comes, he may be given Acceptance. He is not to be given probation.

Imāhaṁ bhikkhave ñātīnaṁ āveṇikaṁ parihāraṁ dammīti.

“I give this special privilege to my relatives.”


The Discussion of Those Previously a Member of Another Religion (is finished).

Sattamaṁ bhāṇavāraṁ.

The seventh recitation section (is finished).

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