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Mv III 13
PTS: Mv III 14 | CS: vin.mv.03.13
'Line by Line'
Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu
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[223] Upagantuṁ kadā ceva

kati antaravassa ca

na icchanti ca sañcicca

ukkaḍḍhituṁ upāsako

To enter, and when,

how many, and during the Rains.

They didn’t want to, intentionally,

to delay it, the lay follower.

gilāno mātā ca pitā

bhātā ca atha ñātako

bhikkhubhatiko [ME: bhikkhugatiko] vihāro

vāḷā cāpi siriṁsapā

Sick: mother and father,

brother and also relative,

one living with the monks, a dwelling,

beasts and creeping things.

corā ceva pisācāpi

daḍḍhā tadubhayena ca

vuḷhodakena vuṭṭhāsi

bahutarā ca dāyakā

Criminals and demons,

burned — for them both,

carried away by water, it moved,

more of them, and donors.


bhesajjupaṭṭhakena ca

itthī vesī kumārī ca

paṇḍako ñātakena ca

With congenial coarse and refined (food),

medicine, and an attendant,

a woman, a prostitute, a transvestite,

a paṇḍaka, along with a relative.

rājā corā dhuttā nidhi

bhedā aṭṭhavidhena ca

vajā satthā ca nāvā ca

susire viṭabhāya ca

A king, criminals, mischief-makers, treasure,

and schism, with eight permutations,

cowherd camps, caravans, and a boat,

in a hollow, and in a fork.

ajjhokāse vassāvāso

asenāsanakena ca

chavakuṭikā chatte ca

cāṭiyā ca upenti te

Rain-residence out in the open,

and without a lodging,

charnel houses, under a canopy,

and in a large storage vessel — they entered.

katikā paṭissuṇitvā

bahiddhā ca uposathā

purimikā pacchimikā

yathāñāyena yojaye

Having assented to an agreement,

and the Uposatha outside,

earlier, later,

by this method they should be combined:

akaraṇīyo pakkamati

sakaraṇīyo tatheva ca

dvīhatīhā ca puna

sattāhakaraṇīyena ca

He left with no business,

and with some business, in the same way,

two or three days, and again,

with seven-day business.

sattāhanāgatā ceva

āgaccheyya [na] eyya vā

vatthuddāne antarikā

tantimaggaṁ nisāmayeti.

Not returning within seven days,

whether he would return or not.

That’s what is inside of the summary of cases:

One should attend to the thread [order] of the sequence.

imamhi khandhake vatthu dvepaṇṇāsa.

In this khandhaka there are 52 cases.

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