[171] tena kho pana samayena āyasmā revato aññatarassa bhikkhuno hatthe āyasmato sārīputtassa cīvaraṁ pāhesi imaṁ cīvaraṁ therassa dehīti. |
Then on that occasion Ven. Revata sent a robe-cloth in a certain monk’s hand to Ven. Sāriputta, (saying,) “Give this robe-cloth to the elder.” |
athakho so bhikkhu antarāmagge āyasmato revatassa vissāsā taṁ cīvaraṁ aggahesi. |
Then, while on the road, the monk took the robe-cloth on trust in Ven. Revata. |
athakho āyasmā revato āyasmatā sārīputtena samāgantvā pucchi ahaṁ bhante therassa cīvaraṁ pāhesiṁ sampattaṁ taṁ cīvaranti. |
Then Ven. Revata, meeting Ven. Sāriputta, asked him, “Venerable sir, I sent the elder a robe-cloth. Did you get it?” |
Nāhantaṁ āvuso cīvaraṁ passāmīti. |
“Friend, I didn’t see that robe-cloth.” |
athakho āyasmā revato taṁ bhikkhuṁ etadavoca ahaṁ Āvuso āyasmato hatthe therassa cīvaraṁ pāhesiṁ kahantaṁ cīvaranti. |
Then Ven. Revata said to the monk, “Friend, I sent a robe in the venerable one’s (your) hand to the elder. Where is it?” |
Ahaṁ bhante āyasmato vissāsā taṁ cīvaraṁ aggahesinti. |
“Venerable sir, I took the robe-cloth on trust in the venerable one (you).” |
Bhagavato etamatthaṁ ārocesuṁ. |
They reported the matter to the Blessed One. |
(Mv.VIII.31.2) idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dehīti. |
“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘Give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’ |
so antarāmagge yo pahiṇati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti suggahitaṁ. |
“If, while on the road, he takes it on trust in the one who sent it, it is rightly taken. |
Yassa pahīyati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti duggahitaṁ. |
“If he takes it on trust in the one for whom it was sent, it is wrongly taken. |
idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dehīti. |
“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘Give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’ |
so antarāmagge yassa pahīyati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti duggahitaṁ. |
“If, while on the road, he takes it on trust in the one for whom it was sent, it is wrongly taken. |
yo pahiṇati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti suggahitaṁ. |
“If he takes it on trust in the one who sent it, it is rightly taken.[1] |
idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dehīti. |
“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of (another) monk, (saying,) ‘Give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’ |
so antarāmagge suṇāti yo pahiṇati so kālakatoti |
“Along the way, he hears that he who sent it has died. |
tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti svadhiṭṭhitaṁ. |
“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one who sent it, it is rightly determined. |
Yassa pahīyati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti duggahitaṁ. |
“If he takes it on trust in the one for whom it was sent, it is wrongly taken. |
idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dehīti. |
“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘Give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’ |
so antarāmagge suṇāti yassa pahīyati so kālakatoti |
“Along the way, he hears that the one for whom it was sent has died. |
tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti dvadhiṭṭhitaṁ. |
“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one for whom it was sent, it is wrongly determined. |
yo pahiṇati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti suggahitaṁ. |
“If he takes it on trust in the one who sent it, it is rightly taken. |
idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dehīti. |
“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘Give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’ |
so antarāmagge suṇāti ubho kālakatāti |
“Along the way, he hears that both have died. |
yo pahiṇati tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti svadhiṭṭhitaṁ. |
“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one who sent it, it is rightly determined. |
Yassa Pahīyati tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti dvadhiṭṭhitaṁ. |
“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one for whom it was sent, it is wrongly determined. |
(Mv.VIII.31.3) idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dammīti. |
“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘I give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’ |
so antarāmagge yo pahiṇati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti duggahitaṁ. |
“If, while on the road, he takes it on trust in the one who sent it, it is wrongly taken. |
Yassa pahīyati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti suggahitaṁ. |
“If he takes it on trust in the one for whom it was sent, it is rightly taken. |
idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dammīti. |
“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘I give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’ |
so antarāmagge yassa pahīyati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti suggahitaṁ. |
“If, while on the road, he takes it on trust in the one for whom it was sent, it is rightly taken. |
yo pahiṇati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti duggahitaṁ. |
“If, he takes it on trust in the one who sent it, it is wrongly taken. |
idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dammīti. |
“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘I give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’ |
so antarāmagge suṇāti yo pahiṇati so kālakatoti |
“Along the way, he hears that he who sent it has died. |
tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti dvadhiṭṭhitaṁ. |
“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one who sent it, it is wrongly determined. |
Yassa pahīyati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti suggahitaṁ. |
“If he takes it on trust in the one for whom it was sent, it is rightly taken. |
idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dammīti. |
“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘I give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’ |
so antarāmagge suṇāti yassa pahīyati so kālakatoti |
“Along the way, he hears that the one for whom it was sent has died. |
tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti svadhiṭṭhitaṁ. |
“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one for whom it was sent, it is rightly determined. |
yo pahiṇati tassa vissāsā gaṇhāti duggahitaṁ. |
“If he takes it on trust in the one who sent it, it is wrongly taken. |
idha pana bhikkhave bhikkhu bhikkhussa hatthe cīvaraṁ pahiṇati imaṁ cīvaraṁ itthannāmassa dammīti. |
“There is the case where a monk sends robe-cloth in the hand of a monk, (saying,) ‘I give this robe-cloth to so-and-so.’ |
so antarāmagge suṇāti ubho kālakatāti |
“Along the way, he hears that both have died. |
yo pahiṇati tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti dvadhiṭṭhitaṁ. |
“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one who sent it, it is wrongly determined. |
Yassa pahīyati tassa matakacīvaraṁ adhiṭṭhāti svadhiṭṭhitaṁ. |
“If he determines it as inherited robe-cloth from the one for whom it was sent, it is rightly determined.” |