[174] tena samayena buddho bhagavā campāyaṁ viharati gaggarāya pokkharaṇiyā tīre. |
Now at that time the Buddha, the Blessed One, was staying near Campā, on the banks of the Gaggarā Lotus Pond. |
tena kho pana samayena kāsīsu janapadesu vāsabhagāmo nāma hoti. |
And at that time, there was a village named Vāsabha in the countryside of Kāsi. |
tattha kassapagotto nāma bhikkhu āvāsiko hoti tantibaddho ussukkaṁ āpanno kinti anāgatā ca pesalā bhikkhū āgaccheyyuṁ āgatā ca pesalā bhikkhū phāsuṁ vihareyyuṁ ayañca āvāso vuḍḍhiṁ viruḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjeyyāti. |
A monk of the Kassapa clan[1] was a resident there — devoted to the tradition, engaged in making an effort, (thinking,) “How could well-behaved monks who haven’t come come; how could the well-behaved monks who have come live comfortably, and this residence experience development, growth, and abundance?” |
tantibaddhoti tasmiṁ āvāse kattabbatātantipaṭibaddho. |
“Devoted to the tradition”: bound to the tradition [lit. ‘thread’] of what should be done at that residence. |
tena kho pana samayena sambahulā bhikkhū kāsīsu cārikaṁ caramānā yena vāsabhagāmo tadavasariṁsu. |
Now at that time, several monks, going on a walking tour among the Kāsis, arrived at Vāsabha Village. |
addasā kho kassapagotto bhikkhu te bhikkhū dūrato va āgacchante disvāna āsanaṁ paññāpesi pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipi |
The monk of the Kassapa clan saw the monks coming in the distance and, on seeing them, laid out seats, set out water for washing his feet, a foot-stand, and a pebble foot wiper. |
paccuggantvā pattacīvaraṁ paṭiggahesi pānīyena āpucchi nahāne ussukkaṁ akāsi ussukkaṁpi akāsi yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ. |
Having gone out to meet them, he received their bowls and robes. He asked them if they wanted drinking water, made an effort (to prepare) baths, and even made an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for them). |
athakho tesaṁ āgantukānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ etadahosi bhaddako kho ayaṁ āvuso āvāsiko bhikkhu nahāne ussukkaṁ karoti ussukkaṁpi karoti yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ handa mayaṁ āvuso idheva vāsabhagāme nivāsaṁ kappemāti. |
Then the thought occurred to those incoming monks, “Friends, what a stroke of luck, this resident monk! He makes an effort (to prepare) baths, and even makes an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for us). Friends, lets make our residence right here at Vāsabha Village.” |
athakho te āgantukā bhikkhū tattheva vāsabhagāme nivāsaṁ kappesuṁ. |
So the incoming monks made their residence right there at Vāsabha Village. |
(Mv.IX.1.2) athakho kassapagottassa bhikkhuno etadahosi yo kho imesaṁ āgantukānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ āgantukakilamatho so paṭippassaddho yepīme gocare appakataññuno tedānīme gocare pakataññuno dukkaraṁ kho pana parakulesu yāvajīvaṁ ussukkaṁ kātuṁ viññatti ca manussānaṁ amanāpā yannūnāhaṁ na ussukkaṁ kareyyaṁ yāguyā khādanīye bhattasminti. |
Then the thought occurred to the monk of the Kassapa clan, “Whatever weariness from traveling these incoming monks had has subsided. And they, who were unfamiliar with the (alms)-range, are now familiar with it. It’s difficult to keep making an effort for those of other families for one’s whole life, and hints are displeasing to people. What if I were to not make an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for them)?” |
so na ussukkaṁ akāsi yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ. |
So he didn’t make an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for them). |
athakho tesaṁ āgantukānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ etadahosi pubbe khvāyaṁ āvuso āvāsiko bhikkhu nahāne ussukkaṁ karoti ussukkaṁpi karoti yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ |
Then the thought occurred to the incoming monks, “Friends, at first this resident monk made an effort (to prepare) baths, and even made an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for us). |
sodānāyaṁ na ussukkaṁ karoti yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ duṭṭhodānāyaṁ āvuso āvāsiko bhikkhu handa mayaṁ āvuso imaṁ āvāsikaṁ bhikkhuṁ ukkhipāmāti. |
“But now he doesn’t make an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for us). Now he’s turned bad, this resident monk. Come on, friends, let’s suspend this resident monk!” |
(Mv.IX.1.3) athakho te āgantukā bhikkhū sannipatitvā kassapagottaṁ bhikkhuṁ etadavocuṁ pubbe kho tvaṁ āvuso nahāne ussukkaṁ karosi ussukkaṁpi karosi yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ |
So the incoming monks gathered and said to the monk of the Kassapa clan, “Friend, at first you made an effort (to prepare) baths, and even made an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for us). |
sodāni tvaṁ na ussukkaṁ karosi yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ āpattiṁ tvaṁ āvuso āpanno passasetaṁ āpattinti. |
“But now you don’t make an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for us). You have fallen into an offense, friend. Do you see that offense?” |
natthi me āvuso āpatti yamahaṁ passeyyanti. |
“Friends, I have no offense that I should see.” |
athakho te āgantukā bhikkhū kassapagottaṁ bhikkhuṁ āpattiyā adassane ukkhipiṁsu. |
Then the incoming monks suspended the monk of the Kassapa clan for not seeing an offense. [BMC] |
athakho kassapagottassa bhikkhuno etadahosi ahaṁ kho etaṁ na jānāmi āpatti vā esā anāpatti vā āpanno camhi anāpanno vā ukkhitto camhi anukkhitto vā dhammikena vā adhammikena vā kuppena vā akuppena vā ṭhānārahena vā aṭṭhānārahena vā yannūnāhaṁ campaṁ gantvā bhagavantaṁ etamatthaṁ puccheyyanti. |
The thought occurred to the monk of the Kassapa clan, “I don’t know if that is an offense or a non-offense, whether I have fallen (into an offense) or have not fallen, whether I am suspended or un-suspended, whether by a Dhamma or non-Dhamma (transaction), reversible or not, fit to stand or not. What if I were to go to Campā and ask the Blessed One about this matter?” |
(Mv.IX.1.4) athakho kassapagotto bhikkhu senāsanaṁ saṁsāmetvā pattacīvaramādāya yena campā tena pakkāmi anupubbena yena campā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkami upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdi. |
So the monk of the Kassapa clan put his lodgings in order and — taking his robes and bowl — set out for Campā. Traveling by stages, he went to Campā and to the Blessed One. On arrival, having bowed down to him, he sat to one side. |
āciṇṇaṁ kho panetaṁ buddhānaṁ bhagavantānaṁ āgantukehi bhikkhūhi saddhiṁ paṭisammodituṁ. |
It is customary for Buddhas, Blessed Ones, to exchange pleasantries with incoming monks. |
athakho bhagavā kassapagottaṁ bhikkhuṁ etadavoca kacci bhikkhu khamanīyaṁ kacci yāpanīyaṁ kaccisi appakilamathena addhānaṁ āgato kuto ca tvaṁ bhikkhu āgacchasīti. |
Then the Blessed One said to the monk of the Kassapa clan, “Is it agreeable, monk? Are you getting by? Did you come along the road with little weariness? Where are you coming from, monk?” |
khamanīyaṁ bhagavā yāpanīyaṁ bhagavā appakilamathena cāhaṁ bhante addhānaṁ āgato |
“It’s agreeable, O Blessed One. I’m getting by, O Blessed One. And I came along the road with little weariness, lord. |
(Mv.IX.1.5) atthi bhante kāsīsu janapadesu vāsabhagāmo nāma tatthāhaṁ āvāsiko tantibaddho ussukkaṁ āpanno kinti anāgatā ca pesalā bhikkhū āgaccheyyuṁ āgatā ca pesalā bhikkhū phāsuṁ vihareyyuṁ ayañca āvāso vuḍḍhiṁ viruḷhiṁ vepullaṁ āpajjeyyāti |
“Lord, there is a village named Vāsabha in the countryside of Kāsi. I was a resident there — devoted to the tradition, engaged in making an effort, (thinking,) ‘How could well-behaved monks who haven’t come come; how could the well-behaved monks who have come live comfortably, and this residence experience development, growth, and abundance?’ |
athakho bhante sambahulā bhikkhū kāsīsu cārikaṁ caramānā yena vāsabhagāmo tadavasariṁsu |
“Then several monks, going on a walking tour among the Kāsis, arrived at Vāsabha Village. |
addasaṁ kho ahaṁ bhante te bhikkhū dūrato va āgacchante disvāna āsanaṁ paññāpesiṁ pādodakaṁ pādapīṭhaṁ pādakathalikaṁ upanikkhipiṁ |
“I saw the monks coming in the distance and, on seeing them, laid out seats, set out water for washing his feet, a foot-stand, and a pebble foot wiper. |
paccuggantvā pattacīvaraṁ paṭiggahesiṁ pānīyena āpucchiṁ nahāne ussukkaṁ akāsiṁ ussukkaṁpi akāsiṁ yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ |
“Having gone out to meet them, I received their bowls and robes. I asked them if they wanted drinking water, made an effort (to prepare) baths, and even made an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for them). |
athakho tesaṁ bhante āgantukānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ etadahosi bhaddako kho ayaṁ āvuso āvāsiko bhikkhu nahāne ussukkaṁ karoti ussukkaṁpi karoti yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ handa mayaṁ āvuso idheva vāsabhagāme nivāsaṁ kappemāti |
“Then the thought occurred to those incoming monks, ‘Friends, what a stroke of luck, this resident monk! He makes an effort (to prepare) baths, and even makes an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for us). Friends, lets make our residence right here at Vāsabha Village.’ |
athakho te bhante āgantukā bhikkhū tattheva vāsabhagāme nivāsaṁ kappesuṁ |
“So the incoming monks made their residence right there at Vāsabha Village. |
tassa mayhaṁ bhante etadahosi yo kho imesaṁ āgantukānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ āgantukakilamatho so paṭippassaddho yepīme gocare appakataññuno tedānīme gocare pakataññuno dukkaraṁ kho pana parakulesu yāvajīvaṁ ussukkaṁ kātuṁ viññatti ca manussānaṁ amanāpā yannūnāhaṁ na ussukkaṁ kareyyaṁ yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ |
“Then the thought occurred to me, ‘Whatever weariness from traveling these incoming monks had has subsided. And they, who were unfamiliar with the (alms)-range are now familiar with it. It’s difficult to keep making an effort for those of other families for one’s whole life, and hints are displeasing to people. What if I were to not make an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for them)?’ |
so kho ahaṁ bhante na ussukkaṁ akāsiṁ yāguyā khādanīye bhattasminti |
“So I didn’t make an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for them). |
athakho tesaṁ bhante āgantukānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ etadahosi pubbe khvāyaṁ āvuso āvāsiko bhikkhu nahāne ussukkaṁ karoti ussukkaṁpi karoti yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ |
“Then the thought occurred to the incoming monks, ‘Friends, at first this resident monk made an effort (to prepare) baths, and even made an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for us). |
sodānāyaṁ na ussukkaṁ karoti yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ duṭṭhodānāyaṁ āvuso āvāsiko bhikkhu handa mayaṁ āvuso imaṁ āvāsikaṁ bhikkhuṁ ukkhipāmāti |
“‘But now he doesn’t make an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for us). Now he’s turned bad, this resident monk. Come on, friends, let’s suspend this resident monk!’ |
athakho te bhante āgantukā bhikkhū sannipatitvā maṁ etadavocuṁ pubbe kho tvaṁ āvuso nahāne ussukkaṁ karosi ussukkaṁpi karosi yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ |
“So the visiting monks gathered and said to me, ‘Friend, at first you made an effort (to prepare) baths, and even made an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for us). |
sodāni tvaṁ na ussukkaṁ karosi yāguyā khādanīye bhattasmiṁ āpattiṁ tvaṁ āvuso āpanno passasetaṁ āpattinti |
“‘But now you don’t make an effort (to get) conjey, non-staple foods, and staple foods (for us). You have fallen into an offense, friend. Do you see that offense?’ |
natthi me āvuso āpatti yamahaṁ passeyyanti |
“‘Friends, I have no offense that I should see.’” |
athakho te bhante āgantukā bhikkhū maṁ āpattiyā adassane ukkhipiṁsu |
“Then, lord, the incoming monks suspended me for not seeing an offense. |
tassa mayhaṁ bhante etadahosi ahaṁ kho etaṁ na jānāmi āpatti vā esā anāpatti vā āpanno camhi anāpanno vā ukkhitto camhi anukkhitto vā dhammikena vā adhammikena vā kuppena vā akuppena vā ṭhānārahena vā aṭṭhānārahena vā yannūnāhaṁ campaṁ gantvā bhagavantaṁ etamatthaṁ puccheyyanti |
“The thought occurred to me, ‘I don’t know if that is an offense or a non-offense, whether I have fallen (into an offense) or have not fallen, whether I am suspended or un-suspended, whether by a Dhamma or non-Dhamma (transaction), reversible or not, fit to stand or not. What if I were to go to Campā and ask the Blessed One about this matter?’ |
tato ahaṁ bhagavā āgacchāmīti. |
“That’s why I came here, O Blessed One.” |
(Mv.IX.1.6) anāpatti esā bhikkhu nesā āpatti anāpannosi nasi āpanno anukkhittosi nasi ukkhitto adhammikenāsi kammena ukkhitto kuppena aṭṭhānārahena gaccha tvaṁ bhikkhu tattheva vāsabhagāme nivāsaṁ kappehīti. |
“Monk, that is a non-offense, not an offense. You are one who has not fallen into an offense, you are not one who has fallen into an offense. You are un-suspended, not suspended. You were suspended with a non-Dhamma transaction, reversible, not fit to stand. Go monk, make your residence right there at Vāsabha Village.” |
evaṁ bhanteti kho kassapagotto bhikkhu bhagavato paṭissuṇitvā uṭṭhāyāsanā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā padakkhiṇaṁ katvā yena vāsabhagāmo tena pakkāmi. |
Responding, “As you say, lord,” to the Blessed One, the monk of the Kassapa clan got up from his seat, bowed down to him, circumambulated him, keeping him to his right, and set out for Vāsabha Village. |
(Mv.IX.1.7) athakho tesaṁ āgantukānaṁ bhikkhūnaṁ ahudeva kukkuccaṁ ahu vippaṭisāro alābhā vata no na vata no lābhā dulladdhaṁ vata no na vata no suladdhaṁ ye mayaṁ suddhaṁ bhikkhuṁ anāpattikaṁ avatthusmiṁ akāraṇe ukkhipimhā |
Then those incoming monks became anxious and remorseful, (thinking,) “It’s no gain for us! It’s not a gain for us! It’s ill-gained for us! It’s not well-gained! — in that, without grounds, without reason, we suspended a pure monk, without offense. |
handa mayaṁ āvuso campaṁ gantvā bhagavato santike accayaṁ accayato desemāti. |
“Come friends, let’s go to Campā and confess this transgression as such in the Blessed One’s presence.” |
athakho te āgantukā bhikkhū senāsanaṁ saṁsāmetvā pattacīvaramādāya yena campā tena pakkamiṁsu anupubbena yena campā yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṁsu upasaṅkamitvā bhagavantaṁ abhivādetvā ekamantaṁ nisīdiṁsu. |
So the incoming monks put their lodgings in order and — taking their robes and bowls — set out for Campā. Traveling by stages, they went to Campā and to the Blessed One. On arrival, having bowed down to him, they sat to one side. |
āciṇṇaṁ kho panetaṁ buddhānaṁ bhagavantānaṁ āgantukehi bhikkhūhi saddhiṁ paṭisammodituṁ. |
It is customary for Buddhas, Blessed Ones, to exchange pleasantries with incoming monks. |
athakho bhagavā te bhikkhū etadavoca kacci bhikkhave khamanīyaṁ kacci yāpanīyaṁ kaccittha appakilamathena addhānaṁ āgatā kuto ca tumhe bhikkhave āgacchathāti. |
Then the Blessed One said to the monks, “Is it agreeable, monks? Are you getting by? Did you come along the road with little weariness? Where are you coming from, monks?” |
khamanīyaṁ bhagavā yāpanīyaṁ bhagavā appakilamathena ca mayaṁ bhante addhānaṁ āgatā |
“It’s agreeble, O Blessed One. We’re getting by. And we came along the road with little weariness, lord. |
atthi bhante kāsīsu janapadesu vāsabhagāmo nāma tato mayaṁ bhagavā āgacchāmāti. |
“Lord, there is a Village named Vāsabha in the countryside of Kāsi. We have come from there.” |
(Mv.IX.1.8) tumhe bhikkhave āvāsikaṁ bhikkhuṁ ukkhipitthāti. |
“Monks, did you suspend the resident monk?” |
evaṁ bhanteti. |
“Yes, lord.” |
kismiṁ bhikkhave vatthusmiṁ kismiṁ kāraṇeti. |
“On what grounds, monks? For what reason?” |
avatthusmiṁ bhagavā akāraṇeti. |
“Without grounds, O Blessed One, without reason.” |
vigarahi buddho bhagavā ananucchavikaṁ bhikkhave ananulomikaṁ appaṭirūpaṁ assāmaṇakaṁ akappiyaṁ akaraṇīyaṁ kathaṁ hi nāma tumhe moghapurisā suddhaṁ bhikkhuṁ anāpattikaṁ avatthusmiṁ akāraṇe ukkhipissatha netaṁ moghapurisā appasannānaṁ vā pasādāya .pe. |
The Buddha, the Blessed One, rebuked them, “Monks, it is unseemly, unbecoming, unsuitable, unworthy of a contemplative, improper, and not to be done. How could you worthless men, without grounds, without reason, suspend a pure monk, without offense? Worthless men, this neither inspires faith in the faithless ...” |
vigarahitvā dhammiṁ kathaṁ katvā bhikkhū āmantesi |
Having rebuked him and given a Dhamma talk, he addressed the monks: |
na bhikkhave suddho bhikkhu anāpattiko avatthusmiṁ akāraṇe ukkhipitabbo yo ukkhipeyya āpatti dukkaṭassāti. |
“Monks, a pure monk, without offense, is not to be suspended without grounds, without reason. Whoever should suspend him: an offense of wrong-doing.” [BMC] |
(Mv.IX.1.9) athakho te bhikkhū uṭṭhāyāsanā ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karitvā bhagavato pādesu sirasā nipatitvā bhagavantaṁ etadavocuṁ accayo no bhante accagamā yathābāle yathāmūḷhe yathāakusale ye mayaṁ suddhaṁ bhikkhuṁ anāpattikaṁ avatthusmiṁ akāraṇe ukkhipimhā tesaṁ no bhante bhagavā accayaṁ accayato paṭiggaṇhātu āyatiṁ saṁvarāyāti. |
Then the monks got up from their seats and — having arranged their robes over one shoulder — put their heads at the feet of the Blessed One and said to him, “A transgression has overcome us, lord, in that we were so foolish, so muddle-headed, and so unskilled as to suspend, without grounds, without reason, a pure monk, without offense. May the Blessed One please accept this confession of our transgression as such, so that we may restrain ourselves in the future.” |
taggha tumhe bhikkhave accayo accagamā yathābāle yathāmūḷhe yathāakusale ye tumhe suddhaṁ bhikkhuṁ anāpattikaṁ avatthusmiṁ akāraṇe ukkhipittha |
“Yes, monks, a transgression overcame you in that you were so foolish, so muddle-headed, and so unskilled as to suspend, without grounds, without reason, a pure monk, without offense. |
yato ca kho tumhe bhikkhave accayaṁ accayato disvā yathādhammaṁ paṭikarotha taṁ vo mayaṁ paṭiggaṇhāma vuḍḍhi hesā bhikkhave ariyassa vinaye yo accayaṁ accayato disvā yathādhammaṁ paṭikaroti āyatiṁ saṁvaraṁ āpajjatīti. |
“But because you see your transgression as such and make amends in accordance with the Dhamma, we accept your confession. For it’s a cause of growth in the Vinaya of the noble ones when, seeing a transgression as such, one makes amends in accordance with the Dhamma and exercises restraint in the future.” |